These are the words of Betty Broderick, born November 7th, 1947 in Eastchester, NY, upon being asked why she brought a handgun into the home of her ex-husband, Dan Broderick, on the evening of November 5, 1989.
On this evening, Betty Broderick shot the gun several times while Dan Broderick and his newly- wed wife Linda Kolkina were sleeping. Leaving both of them in a blood soaken bed to die, she removed the telephone from the room and left. is he supposed to listen to you now, Betty? is anyone supposed to listen? You deafened us all with the shot.
Betty Broderick initially met Dan Broderick at a football game and fell in love. She wanted a big, catholic family and so, she believed, did Dan as well. Betty charmed Dan's family with her beauty, sophistication and manners, and the two were married on April 12, 1969 in Eastchester.
While Honeymooning on a carribean cruise, the first doubts about the marriage arose. Betty often complained that their first sexual experiences were inadequate for both, and besides other problems the pair seemed to be disgruntled upon return. None the less, Betty returned from her Honeymoon pregnant with her first child, Kim. After quitting her job and committing herself to homemaking and motherhood, four children would follow. Lee, Daniel, Rhett and a baby boy who remained unnamed until passing, four days after birth.
Betty's dream of the big family had come true.
Dan Broderick had, at this point, had completed a medical degree and decided to combine this with a further degree in law, instead of further pursueing medical training. After enrolling at Harvard Law School, Dan completed his studies (all the while with Betty in the background holding down jobs to support the family) and together they relocated to San Diego where he found success as a medical malpractice attorney. The marriage, at this point, had almost fully deteriorated.
Enter the other woman.
Dan hired Linda Kolkina, a former airline attendant, as his assistant and began an affair with her. Although Betty initially suspected the affair, Dan denied it on numerous occasions. After finally moving out of the family home and taking custody of the children (which Betty demanded he so do) a lengthy and complication divorce settlement ensued in which Betty Broderick extensively complained of unfair treatment, due to Dan's legal background.
Why is that not surprising to me?
Anger, desperation, betrayal and obsession all manifested well inside Betty, as she made constant threats toward, and harrassed, her ex husband and his new wife to the point where she was served with a letter from Dan's lawyer containing threats of legal retaliation.
On the evening of November 5, 1989 Betty Broderick entered the home of Dan Broderick by means of a stolen key (out of the purse of her daughter) and made her way into the master bedroom. Here she shot both Linda and Dan Broderick to death and removed the phone, eliminating any chance of a still-surviving Dan Broderick to call for help.
"...because I wanted them to listen to me."
She has shown little to no remorse for her crime. I
In a highly publisized interview with Oprah Winfrey, Broderick claims she was "sorry that (he) decided to live a lifestyle that was so far away from the truth" and that people claimed he was "the american joke." Her demeanor as the betrayed wife who took matters into her own hands was further cemented by her general inacceptance of her actions resulting not only in a crime, but also in the deaths of two human beings.
He had it coming.
Broderick is currently serving a two-term of 15-years-to-life sentence at the California Institute for Women in Corona, California. She was eligible for parole in January of 2010. It was denied for lack of remorse or acknowledgment of wrongdoing. She may apply again in three years time.
So, did anyone "get away with murder?" Betty Broderick has fascinated me for some time. Her inabiltiy to own up, her calm and yes, almost self-assured demeanor. Her ability to polarize the country. Sure, she was sentenced. She is paying for it. But was her sentence justified? Is she a hero? Or a villain? What about Dan? Let me know what you guys think. -T.
Very interesting Tim, and in response to the Title question, She is more than likely going to serve the full term sentence. And for most, that may seem adequate, but the fact that she still, 21 years later, can't admit wrong-doing or even show slight bit of remorse tells me that, yes, in fact she did get awway with murder, because she is not capable of those type of feelings..
I don't believe she is incapable of those feelings. Every person in this world feels pain, love, disappointment and happiness. She would have never married that man or been hurt by his affair if she were unable to feel. I believe she has buried those feelings so deep and put up a wall so strong that even she cannot push through it. The mind works in mysterious ways. I do not agree with the way that she handled her disappointments/pain but you've got to admit, we all find ourselves in those fits of rage where you "want" to hurt someone at some point in our life, the difference is, most know when to stop and know that following through with some of the "hurtful" or "wrong" actions our minds allow us to dream up, is simply not an option. I do agree that she has gotten away with murder (on an emotional level), but she will pay for her crimes, it's just a matter of time before something breaks that wall down.
Well In my opinion she deas not even believe that she comitted a murder and rather got "even" with the man that she has stuck by through thick and thin while he was advancing himself for his career. She is so emotionally disturbed and probably behond rehabilitation. The sentence she got is not nearly enough for taking one life let alone two and although she might not get her parole now she will end up getting out early since soceity can not handle the prison system any more than it already is: Over crowded! Even though most will say that Justice will not be served there will be some possitive on it, in that, the system can still monitor all of her movement as to if she serves all of her time behind bars, they are forced to just set her free without any control.
As for the question did she get away with murder? No because whenever she will look into her Children's eyes she will be reminded of the pain she had caused them by taking away their father.
Although her emotional state won't allow her to admit that she has comitted a murder, there will be plenty of others to remind her there off.
Great story for debate, Tim.. for future ideas, Karla Homolka would be a great topic, and even more so her life after prison, should she had been allowed to have a child of her own?
I agree with Bianka. Karla Homolka would be a good topic to give life to. I know in Canada, a lot of us have very strong opinions of her and her situation. Bianka gets my vote on this one!! :)
Villain for sure. No explanation necessary.
This all sounds classic 60's. Women were more expected to be housewives then and support their husbands. The sexual revolution was just beginning and continued into the 70's.
I don't see why that would have made her excessively bitter given the era. You said she wanted "a big Catholic family" so she
sounds like she is quite traditional, in fact.
If she lived out the same circumstances today, perhaps bitterness would be more of a factor, although of course there is no justification for her heinous crimes. Sure what Dan did was
absolutely revolting, but that doesn't give her justification to kill him. So much for being a good Catholic, since, y'know she just might have violated one of the 10 Commandments there.
She sounds mentally ill, especially since she shows no remorse whatsoever. She wanted him to listen to her? Doesn't killing him defeat that purpose? I bet she's a psychopath since she has such a natural lack of empathy and has maintained it for so many years, and has a calm and collected outward demeanor. Psychopaths can love other people (and she certainly seems to have loved Dan) but they see no problem in harming others to get what they want, or out of vengeance.
Good job on the blog!:-)
Or actually, one might argue that women were (rightfully) bitter and hence the Sexual Revolution. I still think maybe the bitterness would be more today if women were forced into traditional roles because society has changed so much...But who really knows, especially since she seems to have be quite traditional herself. What was her own upbringing like? And the affair clearly goes beyond this...some people are just mentally ill and snap more than others, I guess.
@kel and bianka: kolkina is definetly on my list. Thanks for the tip. @Gus: thanks for commenting. Short but sweet. @Mel: smart of you to pick up on that inner conflict part- defying one's own catholic beliefs. Thanks guys. Good work.
Hello -T ,
I like this choice of articles.. I hardly doubt that a woman whom has the desire and ability to commit the murder of her ex and his new wife would have much of a conscience over the ordeal. Even though not many people would claim this is a just or righteous act I can see how it has gotten so much public attention. So man...y people feel cheated out of valuable time in their life spent invested into what they consider a failure.. ie.. divorce, failed career etc.. Naturally selfish of us to be bitter over such wasted efforts.. Years and years of love and sacrifice going unappreciated. Now of course their are two sides to every story but this scenario seems to reflect a woman who could not come to terms with this on her own without ensuring she inflicted some punishment on who she felt was at fault. I think many of us have had this desire so although its wrong it's so morbidly appealing..
I wonder if she doesn't have remorse for what she did or even believe what she did was wrong, would she do it again if she were ever to be released. Does she have the makings of a serial killer? She has the makings of one, no remorse, dosen't care and believes that SHE was wronged not that she wronged someone else.
The only way she would do it again is if the culprits were still alive. They aren't; are they? What do you want her to do-fall on her sword. HA! She is being persecuted for righteousness sake. Poor lady. She was sabatoged long before she entered that parole board/the parolee was rude beyond description/interrupted and contridicted her continually. The fault lies with the deceased unfortunately. They brought it on themselves.
I think the lady was very narccisistic. Demanding and sarcastic. Unreasonable and demented. violent to the max and insane.
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